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Education Can't Keep Up With The Fast-Moving World Now

Education Can't Keep Up With The Fast-Moving World Now

I stand for a different education: a different education where students will not just learn moral principles, but they shall be living examples of moral principles

Written by: Mahesa Sidarta

I am just an ordinary English teacher.  I have been teaching English for more than 10 years.  I am often underestimated by great academics because I am considered to be an incompetent teacher and out of the specified teaching path. I am just an ordinary teacher who will probably create the awesome students with my little knowledge in the future.

Continuing education at university is a good idea.  You enter, choose a major that you like, learn from experts, and ready to work in the future.  This is why so many people (around 40% in rich countries) decide to go to college, even if it means making huge financial and personal sacrifices.  So many people do, it doesn't mean it's a good thing to do.  In fact, although in general there are fees that must be paid.  Not that having a college degree will be a successful person.  The reality in the first digital world today is that we need to teach each generation how to learn, let go, and relearn quickly, so they can change the future and can be useful to others.

If you are reading this, my guess as a writer is that you are more likely to have a college degree than not, and I'm sure you have a very good memory about your college years.  I also suspect that they have some of the challenges when they enter the labor market world and the frustrations are expressed by the fresh graduated when dealing with company (for example, finding the right people, managing them and their hopes for developing skills).  Many students regret the time and direction of their chosen college because their mindset just wants to graduate with good grades and get a cool job.  They can't really distinguish between "learning the skills needed to succeed at work versus the skills that make them successful in the classroom". Most of the students spend a lot of time looking for interesting jobs despite graduating from top programs, and they always have to  compromise with their choices.

There is no clear alternative to universities, and while there is no clear path to know the tertiary education that we are facing now in education.  At a certain point, a viable alternative is likely to emerge as they follow their education level is making me see the six real reasons that require them to be different people with the high quality skills:

1. Work requires skills, not just knowledge or position.  There is still a significant mismatch between the jobs desired.

2. Some jobs require expertise that is different from the knowledge they have learned at university.

3. The number of college graduates is steadily increasing while their qualifications for working on graduate work readiness and the potential to add value directly to the workplace are lacking.  For example, employers often complain that even when graduates come with great academic grades, they may not learn what they need to be able to do their work.

4. Students have unrealistic expectations about college and the jobs.  Apart from all universities marketing as the engines of growth, employability, success, and tertiary education still only promises to improve one's talents.  Understandably, this results in high expectations, but it is not feasible to fulfill their desires on a large scale.  Not everyone can be a leader, CEO, manager or worker with great knowledge.  If their career aspirations go beyond the available opportunities and their true talents, they are definitely destined to become miserable at work.  Equivalent in the world of love is if everyone aspires to have a handsome and beautiful girlfriend like a movie star then the result will be an epidemic for single people.

5. Many universities prioritize research. Anyone who spends time in the academic world will know that university quality is judged by a table of research excellence, based largely on research rather than teaching.  In many great university institutions teaching can be seen from reputation and getting research grants.  A good university should give more freedom and lower teaching burden so that teachers can teach with teaching skills that are different more than just the theoretical and doctrinal knowledge.  In return, teachers will publish research productively to improve their skills and to students as their initial capital skills to compete in the future.

6. If a university claims to be a good educational institution, it should think of how to create students with low exam scores and turn them into future leaders (as opposed to recognizing those with the highest grades who will always have the bright future).

There are many things we need to rethink about the current model of higher education.  The world of the future belongs to companies and individuals who approach education in parallel with work.  Learning that teaches more about skills and life skills is the main thing more than just the theoretical knowledges and degrees.

Success in the future will not be determined by the degree, but by the potential and ability to learn, apply, and adapt to give more benefit to others.


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