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Small Things Will Seem Very Big To The Life Of Teenagers

Small Things Will Seem Very Big To The Life Of Teenagers

Written by: Mahesa Sidarta

Adolescence is the best phase of one's life.  In this phase, they will more often bring lots of fun, enthusiasm, pleasure and exciting. It is not only their enthusiasm that can be clearly seen, when a child grows up to become a teenage then be prepared to see himself facing many problems.

Teenagers are a time filled with confusion, even small things will seem very big to them. We need to help them to deal with the problems they were facing during their teenage years.

Knowing that there are so many problems in adolescents' lives, i have  summarized the big problems they often face and how to overcome them.

 1. Appearance

Appearance is the number one problem in almost every teenager's life. That is because some parts of his body are constantly changing and they must overcome these changes.

What's more, they will continue to see and hear the perfect figures on social media.
Media and peer pressure will also make them pay more attention to their appearance.

 To overcome this problem, we can discuss with them about the appearance they really want, not just following the fashion.

 2. Education

Adolescence is also a time when teenagers must continue to prove their courage by scoring the highest score possible and achieving proud achievements.

Although good for the future, but if it is forced then this will create great pressure on teenage mama's children, even he can be stressed if they can't overcome it all.

To overcome this, keep understanding them that they must study well and get the good value because becoming smart is good but also explain to them that value is not all about the grade but only one of the ways to measure a person's ability.

Getting a low grade does not mean that the person is uneducated or less talented, because there will be other things that can prove the ability of everyone.

This will help them to be more relaxed while being able to build more focus and concentration.

 3. Love

The flow of hormones that increase suddenly in the body makes it increasingly has many problems, one of which is about love.

Maybe we now have realized that teenagers have started to like the opposite sex.  Even though it is natural to feel, but also make sure that he does not do things outside the norm.

As long as you only love monkeys, then let them feel the beauty of being in love.

To overcome the unwanted thing, Mama can tell her that love is a normal thing that is felt by everyone. But remind and educate them about the things that may and may not be done, especially when they have started dating.

 4. Bullying

Bullying or commonly known as bullying is one of the other teenage problems that really disturbs their lives. This can even affect their personality and behavior.

Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you need to ensure that your teenage girls always discuss everything with you.

If we feel that they are being bullied, give them advice on how to deal with and fight it all.

Teach them to get out of situations like that and also tell him how Mama had also experienced it. They mustk that they are not the only ones Adolescence who face such problems.

 5. Friendship

Teenagers make every relationship seem complicated.  Even beautiful ties of friendship are often peppered with trivial matters because as a teenager, they have to currently developing their social skills.

Therefore, the way to overcome this is by explaining to them that it's okay to have different opinions with friends. The best way to solve it is to discuss the problem and then forget it.

Don't forget to also monitor their friendship.  Make sure they are in the right environment.

 6. Self-esteem

Teenagers, especially girls have a habit of comparing themselves. This will unwittingly create pressure on themselves.

Changes in the body of a teenage girl may make her doubt herself more, and this can affect her self-esteem.

Therefore, to overcome this, we need to ensure that they do not idolize models and actresses in excess.

Patiently explain to them that everyone is different from each other.  We are all unique and we all have our own positive and negative sides.

Encourage them to enjoy their favorite activities and hone their skills so they don't focus too much on what they want.

 7. Peer Pressure 

Peer pressure forces teenagers to behave in accordance with the rules they agreed to before.

By implementing these rules, it is not impossible if they feel solid with their colleagues. This even makes them do habits that they shouldn't do or aren't interested in.

They also can choose to have opinions, views, choices, hobbies, fashion tastes, even talking about sex education.

With all the hormonal instability and attitude, it is hoped that we can help them to find their true self without being influenced by their friends.

8. Money-Oriented

Money-oriented in adolescents are more individualistic and competitive

Life principles and mindset in most teenagers can reflect their characteristics and personality.  Having a mindset that always has to earn and earn money can create a desire within yourself to not depend on anyone and a desire that no one depends on it.

In addition, I as a writer have found that teens who are too money-oriented tend to look for an individualistic social environment rather than a social environment that involves many people.  But, being oriented to money can make them think too much of things from money.  If they can't get into a certain social environment that they think is cool, they will feel they are not cool teens

This is what often causes most adolescents with money-oriented turn into insane of wealthiness and work excessively to have lots of money.  Eventually, the demands of life will have a negative impact on their psychological and health because there are too many desires that they want to fulfill and always want to be fulfilled.

There is nothing wrong with being different from others because differences make us stronger...Mahesa Sidarta


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