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If You Are Ready to Fail, You Are Ready To Change Your Life Now...

If You Are Ready to Fail, You Are Ready To Change Your Life Now...

Written By: Mahesa Sidarta

Willingness is the key to success and for without being willing to take risks, face obstacles, or try new things, there is no space for the change process to take place. To be successful, our willingness must be unconditional from beginning to end. We must be willing to take risks and try new things, to trust in the process of change, and to believe in ourselves and our ability to achieve our dreams. If we give up in any of these areas, our likelihood of success drops dramatically.

1. Take Risks, Try New Things, and No Fears
Making any kind of change in our lives is going to require us to try new things. That is the very nature of change. We are going to have to learn new skills, try out new ideas, and practice new behaviors. Our safety zone, that place where we feel comfortable and secure, will need to expand to include these new ways of being. And we must be willing to embrace these new experiences even when we feel afraid or uncertain. It is at this point, when fear and resistance begin to challenge our decision to make a change that we can lose touch with the willingness that we had at the beginning of the process. When this happens, it is important that we focus on reconnecting with the part of us who originally wanted make the change - the part who is excited about learning new things, facing new challenges, and bringing more joy and fulfillment to our life. If we can stay connected to that place where our willingness resides, we can then use its positive energy to overcome the doubt and fear and keep moving forward toward our goal.

2. Trust in the Change of Process 
We live in a culture that demands instant gratification. If we want something, we buy it. If we don't feel well, we take a pill. We have gotten used to not having to wait very long to get our needs met. It is at this point that we need to be extra willing to allow the change process to unfold naturally so that we will be able to reach the goals we set for ourselves. We have let go our desire for speed and control and trust that the change will happen. Although the process may seem awkward and cumbersome to us, it does work. And if we try and fight it, we will lose. But if we willingly follow its lead, we will meet with success and don't protest too much on the process. 

3. Believe That You Can Be A Successful Person
The last and most important factor in reaching our goals is our willingness to believe in our ability to succeed. Although this may sound obvious, there are many places along the way where our willingness to believe in ourselves can get sidetracked.
First, we have to deal with the critical voices inside us that constantly remind us that there is no need for this change and that things are just fine the way they are. Second we have to deal with the ups and downs and the slow pace of the change. The light at the end of the tunnel is not always visible and it can be tempting to let fear and doubt take over, disempowering us and leading us to think maybe we don't have what it takes to make this change. And last, we have to deal with friends and family members who keep asking us what we are doing and why we are doing it. Making a change in our life has a ripple effect on those around us. Their systems will sense our change and will go on alert. People we thought of as supportive are now challenging our decision and questioning our ability to actually go through with it. It is not that they are really against us. It is just that they don't like their systems being out of sorts.
The journey of change is not without its obstacles. But it is also a journey that is full of rewards. The key to getting the rewards and minimizing the breakdowns is to lead with your heart, not your head. Your heart is where you will find your willingness. Your head is where you will find resistance and fear. Your struggle will get all best you can be.
Copyright © 2020 Mahesa Budi Sidarta. All rights reserved.


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