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Even the uneducated people can teach you to be a better person

Even the uneducated people can teach you to be a better person

Teaching is the mutual of exchange of information that they carried, that why knowledge gain when he/she shares with others...

Mahesa Sidarta

Life is a journey learning things the way along you live. Education makes the people to recognize what is right and what is wrong. Education enriches the knowledge whether it gain from books or from experience. Some people might think that uneducated people can not teach anything to the educated ones while others argue that everyone can teach something to others regardless of education. Yet there are lots of things that uneducated person teaches literate people such as being patient, learning new useful skills and different types of life experience.

First of all, being patient in life can be taught by illiterate people to others. It is clear that haste makes waste; at this point being conscious is significant condition to achieve success. However it is also clear that educated people often feel stress due to their constant mental work and it makes them to be nervous. A lot of illiterate older people can help us to be patient in the most difficult circumstances. In the case of failures or depression or while facing the challenges we take the advice from the experience of uneducated friends. As a matter of fact I have learnt to be patient from my uneducated grandparents rather than educated ones.

Secondly, the illiterate ones learn from their experience and spent lot of years for becoming experts in their fields. For example, in my country there are some top businessmen who are illiterate leading in the business heavily compared to the literate business. In addition, knowledge gained from the experience never get rid of us until the last breathe. While gaining the experience, they tend to being patient, a lot of interested for learning the new skills. In contrast, the literate are hyper temper to succeed in their life and wants to get high position very quickly without the hard work.

Finally, we can learn life experience from uneducated people whose life is more different than educated people’s lifestyle. They have more time to think about world to analyze happenings that occur in our environment. On the contrary educated people do not have enough time to think about our life or the perception of the world. So, we can learn from them especially from older ones about life. It would help us to develop our understanding not only material world but also spiritual world.

In conclusion, people in the god’s sight are equal; there are many things an uneducated people teach to the others. Teaching is the mutual of exchange of information that they carried, that why knowledge gain when he/she shares with others.


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