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Even the uneducated people can teach you to be a better person

Even the uneducated people can teach you to be a better person Teaching is the mutual of exchange of information that they carried, that why knowledge gain when he/she shares with others... Mahesa Sidarta Life is a journey learning things the way along you live. Education makes the people to recognize what is right and what is wrong. Education enriches the knowledge whether it gain from books or from experience. Some people might think that uneducated people can not teach anything to the educated ones while others argue that everyone can teach something to others regardless of education. Yet there are lots of things that uneducated person teaches literate people such as being patient, learning new useful skills and different types of life experience. First of all, being patient in life can be taught by illiterate people to others. It is clear that haste makes waste; at this point being conscious is significant condition to achieve success. However it is also clear that educated people ...
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Tips Surat Rekomendasi Beasiswa

  Tips Recommendation Letter dan Study Plan untuk Beasiswa   Written by: Mahesa Sidarta "Reference letter” atau yang juga dikenal sebagai “Recommendation letter” adalah surat rekomendasi yang menjelaskan kualitas, karakteristik, dan kapabilitas individu yang direkomendasikan oleh sang penulis. Pada umumnya, surat referensi atau surat rekomendasi berkaitan erat dengan pendaftaran masuk pendidikan tinggi, beasiswa, atau untuk melamar pekerjaan. Surat rekomendasi yang baik mencakup tiga poin utama, antara lain: hubungan orang tersebut dengan orang yang merekomendasikan, pengamatan dan evaluasi pekerjaan orang tersebut. Untuk surat rekomendasi akademik, pada umumnya ditulis oleh guru atau dosen dari individu yang direkomendasikan. Sedangkan untuk surat rekomendasi dalam bidang pekerjaan, biasanya ditulis oleh mantan atasan atau kolega. Recommendation letter (surat rekomendasi) dan study plan termasuk dalam syarat dokumen yang diminta ketika mendaftar beasiswa. Surat rekomendasi da...

Happiness vs Usefulness

The Purpose Of Life Is Not Just Happiness: It’s Usefulness Written by: Mahesa Sidarta “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others and be useful to others”...Mahesa I believed that there’s only one purpose of life: And that is to be happy. Why else go through all the pain and hardship? It’s to achieve happiness in some way. And I’m not the only person who believed that. In fact, if you look around you, most people are pursuing happiness in their lives. That’s why we collectively buy shit we don’t need, go to bed with people we don’t love and try to work hard to get the approval of people we don’t like. Why do we do these things? To be honest, I don’t care what the exact reason is. I’m not a scientist. All I know is that it has something to do with history, culture, media, economy, psychology, politics, the information era, and you name it. The list is endless. We are who are.  Let’s just accept that. Most people love to analyze why people are not happy or don’t...

IELTS Test Tips

  IELTS TIPS Written by Mahesa Sidarta Here are some pointers to help your score well in your IELTS exam: IELTS Listening test tips Most important : check if your headphones are working, if not, raise your hand Utilize the time allotted to prepare the questions. Read through them before the recording starts Listen to the recording attentively and focus more on answers than understanding everything. Remember that the recording is played only once Take notes on your question paper when listening to the recording Write within the given word limit for each question Revise and proofread for spelling and grammar errors before submission Try to use all capital letters for your answers IELTS Reading test tips Examine every detail of the figures, graphs or images in the question paper to be precise while answering. ]If you can’t understand a question, don’t waste time on it. Rather move onto the next, you can always come back later to finish this. Don’t waste time writing on question paper....

If You Are Ready to Fail, You Are Ready To Change Your Life Now...

If You Are Ready to Fail, You Are Ready To Change Your Life Now... Written By: Mahesa Sidarta Willingness is the key to success and for without being willing to take risks, face obstacles, or try new things, there is no space for the change process to take place. T o be successful, our willingness must be unconditional from beginning to end. We must be willing to take risks and try new things, to trust in the process of change, and to believe in ourselves and our ability to achieve our dreams. If we give up in any of these areas, our likelihood of success drops dramatically. 1. Take Risks, Try New Things, and No Fears Making any kind of change in our lives is going to require us to try new things. That is the very nature of change. We are going to have to learn new skills, try out new ideas, and practice new behaviors. Our safety zone, that place where we feel comfortable and secure, will need to expand to include these new ways of being. And we must be willing to ...


TIME IS TICKING FAST Written by: Mahesa Sidarta Science is based on research, theory, facts, evidence, logical thinking, and causal relationships but Science is failed to explain about heaven and hell...Mahesa Sidarta I am not a religious expert and am not a psychic.  I am just an ordinary person with many mistakes and sins but I try to make myself useful for others.  Let me share my writing about the end of the world. Since the beginning many people have thought about the end of the world.  Thus, the major religions on this planet have explained a complicated perspective on the end of the world.  In Christianity, the Book of Revelation describes Armageddon, the final battle on Earth between the forces of God and Satan.  Hinduism offers a version in which Vishnu returns to combat evil as a figure on a white horse.  The doomsday belief of some ancient religions can still be felt in today's modern secular society. According to some ...